Erin Boberg Doughton

Artwork images left to right, top to bottom: 1. ghost broom research for do over, video and performance, work in progress 2022. 2 do over, video and performance, in progress 2022

Erin Boberg Doughton

My multidisciplinary performance work uses music, task-based actions and domestic objects to reveal moments of disruption and magic in everyday life. Drawing on a history of making and performing in theater and dance spaces, Iā€™m now developing new projects for video, gallery installation and site-specific performance. My new work invites the audience/viewer to engage with a set of instructions they can choose to do or just imagine doing, guiding them to perceive the world around them from a different perspective and step into the role of performer. 

Erin Boberg Doughton is an artist, educator and curator based in Portland, Oregon. She uses performance, video, music, task-based actions and domestic objects to reveal moments of rupture and magic in everyday life, and the often invisible labor and care of making these moments. She is an MFA candidate at the Pacific Northwest College of Art Willamette University through the Low-Residency Visual Studies program (expected graduation 2024) and serves as co-Artistic Director and Curator of Performance at PICA (Portland Institute for Contemporary Art.) Erin graduated from Lewis & Clark College in Portland with a BA in Theatre in 1994.