OUter VOICE Open Hours

OUter VOICE Open Hours

Join us for an exciting afternoon at Outer Voice Open Hours! Our last Open Hours was fun, so we decided to do it again! This is a chance to share your video, audio, or performance work under 5 minutes. WIP, excerpts, old work, new work, anything!

This is not a critique, it’s a less formal showcase of time-based works by us and our community, plus time to hang out with fellow artists.

Date: Saturday, Feb 1, 2025
Time: 3:00–5:00 PM
Location: Disjecta Dance Studio at Oregon Contemporary (8371 N Interstate Ave, Portland)


If you're showing work, keep in mind:
- Works under 5 minutes
- Doors open 2:45 pm, sign-up list cutoff time is 3:10pm!
- Bring video/audio file on thumb drive, (a local file is preferred, but if necessary an online link will work).
- Simple lighting and microphone accommodations available
- This is an unprogrammed mashup of time-based works.
- Your name and title will be announced before the piece.
- Fine to show work in progress!
- Please email outervoice1@gmail.com happy to lend an ear! 😍

Come to watch even if you're not showing work!
See you there!

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Outer Voice Open Hours

Outer Voice Open Hours

Join us for an exciting afternoon at Time-Based Art Open Hours! This is a chance to share your video, audio, or performance work under 5 minutes. WIP, excerpts, old work, new work, anything! This is not a critique, it’s a showcase of works by us and our community, plus time to hang out with fellow artists.

Date: Saturday, November 16th, 2024
Time: 3:00–5:00 PM
Location: Disjecta Dance Studio at Oregon Contemporary (8371 N Interstate Ave, Portland)

- Sign up list available at event (first come, first served)
- Bring video/audio file on thumb drive + an online backup
- Simple lighting and microphone accommodations available
- Works under 5 minutes

Not showing work? No worries! Come and enjoy the show, support local artists, and be part of the community.

email outervoice1@gmail.com with any questions

more info at www.outervoicepdx.com / link in our bio

We can’t wait to see what you bring! See you there! 🎥🍿

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Outer Voice: Kinds of Time
to Apr 7

Outer Voice: Kinds of Time

Outer Voice: Kinds of Time 

March 22 – April 7, 2024 

Curated by Jason Le and Outer Voice

claire barrera
Roland Dahwen
Erin Boberg Doughton
Rubén García Marrufo
Sarah Rushford
Ash Stone
Qi You

Reception Saturday April 6, 2024 5pm – 8pm

Performance Program Saturday April 6, 2024 6pm
Featuring Performances:

1.claire barerra Will you with me? 

Will you with me? explores the challenges and delights of intergenerational groups.  Difference, affinity and the potential for co-creation are teased out via experiments in storytelling and dance improvisation. This project is supported by the Regional Arts and Culture Council and Performance Works Northwest.

Director: claire barrera. Performers/collaborators: Mahina Lowry, Nila Kwa, Jordyn Kubernick, Xamara T, Anna Shuping, Grace Ault, Emmeline Eao, Anna Gray, Hannah Raye, Ashley Hollingshead, Ameila Morrison and Julie Hammond.

2.  Qi You , Blockwalking II
Please wear mismatching shoes to partake in Blockwalking, we will
have some extras. )

3. Erin Boberg, Pretend to Pray, a karaoke video performance

Open Exhibition Hours Fri-Sun 12-5
and by appt, contact sarahrushford_outervoice on instagram

Oregon Contemporary 
8371 N. Interstate Ave
Portland, OR 97217



Outer Voice: Kinds of Time will present recent works and works-in-progress from the 2023/24 Outer Voice Season with Portland artists: claire barrera, Roland Dahwen, Erin Boberg Doughton, Rubén García Marrufo, Sarah Rushford, Ash Stone, and Qi You. This show is collaboratively curated by Outer Voice and Jason Le, an arts writer and thinker also based in Portland. This multidisciplinary exhibition of time-based art will include a gallery exhibition as well as a program of performance in the gallery on April 6 at 6pm, during the show's reception from 5-8pm. 

Outer Voice is a time-based arts alliance started in 2023 by Portland video artist and writer Sarah Rushford. The mission is to provide space, community, support, and opportunity to local time-based artists and to foster community dialog around time-based art. Outer Voice helps build relationships based on a grounded, informed, and supportive critical dialogue. They practice, exhibit, celebrate, and program together, sharing resources, forming artistic and personal bonds, and linking with a broader network of artists, art organizations, and community members.

The group of seven has been meeting since October 2023 using a model of "open workshops" where the group shares work, concerns, and ideas while many of the workshops are open to the public. Outer Voice's location within Studio 4 at Oregon Contemporary enables supportive artistic and practical exchange between organizations and people within the complex. 

Themes in Outer Voice: Kinds of Time include the experimental telling of immigrant, mixed-race, and queer experiences, the voices of mothers addressing invisible labor, re-examination of communication, the challenging of hypercapitalism, and the inseparability of art and life. Underlying these themes is the group's exploration of the notion that time can be perceived differently through each of the works. 

Outer Voice welcomes guest Jason Le to explore the themes listed above as a collaborator in planning,  discussions, and writing about the meanings at play and the perception of time in the exhibition.

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“The Year of the Dragon 2024: The American Standard” ,Qi you. And Performance “Block Walking”
to Feb 17

“The Year of the Dragon 2024: The American Standard” ,Qi you. And Performance “Block Walking”

Outer Voice is so pleased to present Qi You's Exhibition “American Standard” Feb 4-17, 2024

And don’t miss a discussion of the show and a performance workshop “Blockwalking”
with Qi You on Sunday Feb 4! 1-3pm . Please join us!

(And wear two different shoes on Feb 4:))

Details below.

The Year of the Dragon 2024: The American Standard*

An exhibition in celebration from Feb 4-17, 2024

Outer Voice
Studio 4 at Oregon Contemporary
8371 N Interstate Ave
Portland, OR 97217

Open hours:
Sun Feb 4 1-5 pm
Sat Feb 10 1-5pm (-10pm)
Sun Feb 11 1-5pm
Sat Feb 17 1-5pm
by appointment for the rest of the time

(message @qi_you__ on instagram for appointment)

Special Event
Sun Feb 4 1pm-3pm, Outdoor workshop "Blockwalking", and discussion of the show.

Please wear different shoes for each foot for attending the Blockwalking workshop.

See staff at the entrance desk to direct you to the event.

“I have a memory of being in the bathroom of the US embassy in Beijing years ago. I recalled the familiarity of just being away from the US for a few months: the comfortableness seemed to carpet the room. There was abundant toilet paper and stocked up seat covers. The American Standard logo in blue ink on the shiny white porcelain completely caught my eyes, as it was welcoming me back already. How sweet they detailed the bathroom for reminding people of a sense of home.

Years later I still get this cozy feeling when there is seat cover provided inside the bathroom. Removed from the social reality space to the brief but immersive self check-in. I glimpse the American Standard logo sometimes along with new struggles, that feeling never has been fully gloomy though. Placing the seat covers down accompanied with my growing awareness becomes such a little ritual. "
- Qi You

*Made in China and the USA as one place in our hearts.

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Outer Voice, Show 01

Outer Voice, Show 01

Outer Voice, Show 01

Sat Dec 2, 2023, 12pm–5pm 
Studio 4 open

Sat Dec 2, 2023, 3pm–4pm 
Performance and Video 
Program in Platform

Sun Dec 3, 2023, 12pm–2pm 
Studio 4 open

Outer Voice, Studio 4 
Oregon Contemporary
8371 N. Interstate Ave
Portland, OR 97217 


Outer Voice, Show 01 will present recent works and works-in-progress from the 2023/24 

Cohort: Claire Barrera, Roland Dahwen, Erin Boberg Doughton, Rubén García Marrufo, Sarah Rushford, Ash Stone, and Qi You. 

Show 01 will include a gallery exhibition in Studio 4, as well as a program of performance and video work in Platform Sat Dec 2 at 3pm. Both spaces are located within Oregon Contemporary. Staff at the entrance desk can direct visitors to the spaces.  

Themes in Show 01 include the experimental telling of immigrant, mixed-race, and queer experiences, the voices of mothers addressing invisible labor, re-examination of communication, the challenging of hypercapitalism, and the inseparability of art and life. 

The group of seven has been meeting since October 2023 using a model of "open workshops" where the group shares work, concerns, and ideas while the workshops are open to the public. Outer Voice's location within Oregon Contemporary enables supportive artistic and practical exchange between organizations and others within the complex. 

Outer Voice is a time-based arts alliance started in 2023 by Portland video artist and writer Sarah Rushford. The mission is to provide space, community, support, and opportunity to local time-based artists and to foster community dialog around time-based art. Outer Voice helps build relationships based on a grounded, informed, and supportive critical dialogue among local time-based artists. They practice, exhibit, celebrate, and program together, sharing resources, forming artistic and personal bonds, and linking with a broader network of artists, art organizations, and  community members.

Programming related to the exhibition What Was Lost and What Remains will follow Outer Voice's live program, and the Nat Turner Project: Drinking Gourd Fellowship 2 Exhibition, as well as shows at Carnation Contemporary and Well Well Projects, as well as other works are currently on view at Ox.

image: Claire Barrera, Graduation, 2023, movement performance with video

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Open Workshop 3, Where Do We Even Start?

Open Workshop 3, Where Do We Even Start?

Join us for “Where do we even start?”. This will be a conversation among artists Qi You, Sarah Rushford, Outer Voice, and you, about their two new time-based projects, and more generally about how art starts. Sarah and Qi value your opinion and expertise on their new time-based work, so please join, have some hot tea, and a relaxed Sunday chat. Free and open to the public.

This event will take place at:
Oregon Contemporary, Studio 4
8371 N Interstate Ave
Portland OR

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Open Workshop 2, Fantastic Binomials!

Open Workshop 2, Fantastic Binomials!

a mini workshop with Claire Barrera

Join us for Fantastic Binomials! It's a movement workshop that explores the creative potential of two: two words, two shapes, two people, etc etc. All ages, bodies and skill levels welcome! Lead by Outer Voice Artist Claire Barrera. @tlalcihuatlx and www.outervoicepdx.com/clairebarrera

Come move with us at Outer Voice this Sunday!
Free and open to the public.

This event will take place at:
Open Space/Platform
Located Inside Oregon Contemporary
8371 N Interstate Ave
Portland OR

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Outer Voice Launch Party and First Open Workshop (Copy)

Outer Voice Launch Party and First Open Workshop (Copy)

You're invited to the Outer Voice Launch Party and First Open Workshop
October 22, 2023, 1 pm

Join us for a relaxed Sunday afternoon to meet the new alliance artists, celebrate, and engage with work and people in time-based art and anyone interested in it. Open to the public, refreshments will be served.

Oregon Contemporary
Studio 4, Outer Voice
8371 N Interstate Ave, Portland, OR 97217

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